How I Increased my Blogging Income by 40x in a Few Months
Hey there! While I love sharing easy ways to create DIYs and recipes, I have to admit that there is quite a bit happening behind the scenes. So I thought that today I would peel back the mystery behind blogging and share some easy secrets. One of the most impactful improvements to my blog (and bottom line) was investing in myself. How did I do that? And how, after only a few months later, did I increase my blogging income by more than 20 times through one income channel alone? Let’s jump in, I can’t wait to tell you!
(This post contains affiliate links. If you shop from my blog, I may be compensated for clicks or purchases that you make. Read my disclaimer page for more information.)
Blogging is so gratifying. I started blogging because I wanted to share things around our house since we didn’t have a lot of family in-state and they were always asking what we were up to around the house. Combine our home projects with what worked with us in running a DIY-centric, but manageable home left me excited to share what worked for us.
As a mom I am busy. I work all day, run a house with Jordan, play with Aubrey & Owen, work on projects around the house, and lastly— I blog after bedtime. So I have to tell you, I don’t have a lot of time to experiment with what may or may not make me successful in blogging.
Then, about 5 months into blogging, I learned that there were bloggers who were making a full time income. I was amazed. But I was nervous. I’m not super sales-y and I didn’t have anything to sale. So how would I make money?
Along came Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers.
Affiliate Marketing was introduced to me through Building a Framework by Abby Lawson (it’s perfect for new bloggers). I found it intriguing. Essentially, affiliate marketing is when a reader clicks on a link and is taken to a product’s site. At no cost to the reader, you receive a small commission for any purchase they make in a set of time. I thought affiliate marketing might do well on my blog because I was already linking to products I strongly recommended and used for DIY projects.
Could I really earn a small income from referring traffic that I would’ve happily sent over anyways? You can tell, intrigued might be too small to describe my interest.
So I sought out one of the best to increase my blogging income.
But it had to be in a totally non-greasy sales way. Thankfully,I found it. Last May I purchased Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers by Tasha Agruso.
What is Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers?
My friend Tasha, who blogs at Designer Trapped in a Lawyer’s Body, was determined to find a way to maximize her blog’s income when she first monetized her blog back in the Spring of 2014. She realized that her ad revenue was limited by her page views and that sponsored posts were limited by a number of factors and took up A LOT of time. She knew there had to be a better way, so she researched and experimented.
Long story short, she cracked the code to affiliate marketing and found that it was the best way to maximize income from the blog traffic she already had. She earned over $300 on Amazon the very first month she started using affiliate links on her blog. Wow!
Now Tasha regularly earns at least $3,500 a month through affiliate marketing, just by adding affiliate links to products that she organically shares on her blog and social media. And she earns way more than that by promoting special affiliate programs via email. Last year she earned more than $61,000.00 just through affiliate sales and so far this year, she has already earned more than $35,000.00 through affiliate marketing.
Tasha’s affiliate revenue is one reason she was able to “retire” from the practice of law earlier this year to blog full-time! It’s a total dream come true for Tasha and she wants to help bloggers learn her secrets to earning more blogging income.
Since last summer, Tasha has kept Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers closed. She likes to focus on new students and keeping it restricted has helped her do just that.
How did it help me earn more blogging income?
I don’t love sharing financial numbers mostly to protect my little side of the internet. So many bloggers provide income reports each month… and I’m not ready to put that ‘side’ of easy DIYs on the interwebs. It’s a constant struggle between, “Will they think I’m silly for not making enough?”or “Is she trying to brag about the money her blog makes each month?”
Yea, kinda uncomfortable. Perhaps if I had a budgeting blog, it would make more sense, but right now I want to show you my results after finishing Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers.
Take a look at the graph below.
Pretty crazy, right? You don’t need to see the dollar signs on the left to see that my affiliate income skyrocketed in June. Since taking Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers, this month I have already made 40 times more money on affiliate sales than May.
It’s ridiculous and required almost no extra effort on my part. I always link to my favorite products, now I make sure that the retailer knows I sent them (it’s all in the URL of the item).
Snag your waiting list seat in the course here!
How can it help you?
1. Extremely easy for New Bloggers to Learn
I was worried Tasha would talk over my head and I would never understand affiliate marketing. That didn’t happen! She explained each detail so well. I kept starting and stopping the course just to implement her ideas!
The only thing Tasha require of each student is that they have a self-hosted blog. That means for $3.95 per month, you are on your way to making some passive income. In order to be legal, you need to own your own domain and have self-hosting. If you want more information how to do that, you can read my 20 minutes to a blog post.
Tasha broke down each step of affiliate marketing in small bites that I could use (like above), and build on for each unit. And I really liked that while she is in the home decor niche, she explained how different niches (like finance, style, and food) could use each technique she taught.It gave me new ideas when I thought about it as a food blogger or using the style niche’s favorite RewardStyle.
2. It’s a self paced course
If you haven’t already taken an eCourse, they are pretty great. You login and have the entire course looking at you. In Tasha’s course there are 6 units,each with several ‘chapters.’ While you can certainly jump ahead to the advanced making money units, I definitely recommend making sure you understand what makes a successful affiliate and to make sure you stay in the good side of the FTC. We bloggers want to keep you on the up & up . 🙂
The course is hosted on the Teachable platform. What does that mean? It means that it’s available for a lifetime. As someone who doesn’t always know how much “free time” she’ll have each week, I liked knowing the course would be available when I was ready for it.

3. It’s Valuable
I am a little ashamed to admit, but just this week I was investing in my blogging education and bought an eBook that didn’t have any value. Sigh, I was so bummed. I spent a bit of money and quite a bit of time reading it, thinking it had to get better…right?
After starting my blogging adventure with Abby Lawson and Tasha, I may be a bit spoiled with what I expect with education. Even right now, when I am supposed to be writing this post I am watching Tasha’s latest video she just sent her email subscribers. Sorry, not sorry!
Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers is valuable. I found information on several affiliate networks that I would’ve never known existed if it wasn’t for this course. Even better– I was accepted to them all, almost immediately. I’ve learned to leverage Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest in addition to blog posts.
Want to know how I make money on Pinterest everyday? Click here!
4. You Don’t Need a 100,000 page views
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room for new bloggers. We are always chasing down page views. As you can imagine, after 5 months of blogging, I wasn’t bringing in big viewership. I didn’t have a huge ad network or brands beating down the door to work with me.
What did I have?
People liking my DIY project recommendations.
And there lies where I thought I could help support this blog. When it comes to clicks, you don’t need tens of thousands of viewers. You need engaged readers who want to know more about why you love particular product. And I had those readers who were always interested in why I used a particular item, or were eager to learn more about a store.
And Tasha’s teachings worked!
Since last summer, Tasha has kept Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers closed. I’m super excited that next Monday, on May 29th,Tasha is opening Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers for only a few days! I truly encourage you to enroll in her free webinar to see her style of teaching and download the eBook so that you can start taking actionable steps to increase your affiliate marketing sales.
Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers is a tremendous value for investing in your blog. Since taking the course, my affiliate income has multiplied 20x what it was the month I started. I still refer to Tasha’s course for learning new ways to implement affiliate marketing in a way that supports the blog and doesn’t alienate my readers. It’s a great course for learning so much and then making passive money!
Reserve your spot on the waitlist here!
Avoid the top 9 mistakes all new bloggers make!
Additional Blogging Resources for you:
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This is something I am going to look into! Thanks for the post! I love reading your blog 🙂
Thanks Courtney! I found it to be super beneficial for my posts! -Brittany
I too have taken the affiliate marketing for bloggers course. I haven’t made much of anything, but it’s a work in progress. It does probe you don’t have to have a huge following. I think it’s more about consistency and always using affiliate links in your posts. I do like that its a self-paced course so I can always refer back to it when needed! I’m definitely glad she has a FB group so we can ask questions when needed!
Yes, I agree about consistency! I always write my posts first, then before scheduling I add in the affiliate links. It makes it more natural rather than thinking “Oh I need one here..” as I’m writing! And I love the Facebook group too– but I think I’m in an old one, lol -Brittany
I’ve been contemplating get this course for a couple days now! I will def. lean more towards getting it after I finish my current course I just bought!
Which are you taking right now? I still refer to the course even though it’s been a year, lol
? Thank you for stopping by!-Brittany
i have the affiliate marketing for bloggers book too! it’s one of my goals this year to really work on this income stream! =)
So true! I can totally relate to all of your points because I’ve taken both Abby’s blogging course and Tasha’s affiliate marketing course. I am totally “spoiled” with valuable blogging courses too!
>> Christene
Keys to Inspiration
Thanks Christene! It’s hard to find equally valuable courses anymore 🙂 -Brittany